
The brukeropus.file submodule of brukeropus includes all the functions and classes for reading and exploring OPUS files. This includes both high-level functions like read_opus that returns an OPUSFile class, as well as low-level parsing functions like parse_directory that returns data extracted directly from the binary OPUS file bytes. This overview documentation will focus on the high-level functions which will be useful for most users. If you are interested in using the low-level parsing functions, perhaps to make your own data class or customize how files are read, refer to: brukeropus.file.parse which contains all the low-level parsing functions.

Finding OPUS Files

OPUS files are typically saved with a numeric file extension (e.g. file.0, file.1, file.1001). This makes searching for a list of OPUS files in a directory a little more cumbersome than a traditional "*.csv" search. To address this, brukeropus includes a find_opus_files function:

from brukeropus import find_opus_files

filepaths = find_opus_files(r'path\to\opus\files', recursive=True)

Which will assign a list of filepaths that match the numeric extension formatting of OPUS files. For full documentation, see brukeropus.file.utils.find_opus_files.

Reading OPUS Files

brukeropus parses OPUS files and assembles them into an OPUSFile object that contains the extracted data (and metadata) within the file. You can generate an OPUSFile object in one of two ways:

from brukeropus import read_opus, OPUSFile

filepath = r'path\to\opusfile.0'

data = read_opus(filepath)
same_data = OPUSFile(filepath)

In the above code, data and same_data are both OPUSFile objects with identical data.

Using the OPUSFile Class

OPUS files all start with the same first four magic bytes. If the file does not start with these bytes (i.e. is not a valid OPUS file), the OPUSFile class will logically evaluate to false:

data = read_opus('file.pdf')
if data:
    print(data.filepath, 'is not an OPUS file')

To view all parameter metadata in the file, you can print to the console using the class method: print_parameters. This will let you view all the key, value parameter data extracted from the file with labels for what the parameter keys are referring to wherever known.

data = read_opus('file.0')

Example print_parameters Output

                                 Sample/Result Parameters (params)

                                         Optical Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
ACC    Accessory                               TRANS *010A984F
APR    ATR Pressure                            0
APT    Aperture Setting                        1 mm
BMS    Beamsplitter                            KBr-Broadband
CHN    Measurement Channel                     Sample Compartment
DTC    Detector                                RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
HPF    High Pass Filter                        0
LPF    Low Pass Filter                         10.0
LPV    Variable Low Pass Filter (cm-1)         4000
OPF    Optical Filter Setting                  Open
PGN    Preamplifier Gain                       3
RDX    Extended Ready Check                    0
SRC    Source                                  MIR
VEL    Scanner Velocity                        10.0
ADC    External Analog Signals                 0
SON    External Sync                           Off

                                    Fourier Transform Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
APF    Apodization Function                    B3
HFQ    End Frequency Limit for File            500.0
LFQ    Start Frequency Limit for File          10000.0
NLI    Nonlinearity Correction                 0
PHR    Phase Resolution                        100.0
PHZ    Phase Correction Mode                   ML
SPZ    Stored Phase Mode                       NO
ZFF    Zero Filling Factor                     2

                                       Acquisition Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
ADT    Additional Data Treatment               0
AQM    Acquisition Mode                        DD
CFE    Low Intensity Power Mode with DTGS      0
COR    Correlation Test Mode                   0
DEL    Delay Before Measurement                0
DLY    Stabilization Delay                     0
HFW    Wanted High Freq Limit                  15000.0
LFW    Wanted Low Freq Limit                   0.0
NSS    Number of Sample Scans                  50
PLF    Result Spectrum Type                    AB
RES    Resolution (cm-1)                       4.0
SOT    Sample Scans or Time                    0
TCL    Command Line for Additional Data Tr...
TDL    To Do List                              16777271
SGN    Sample Signal Gain                      1

                                      Sample Origin Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
BLD    Building
CNM    Operator Name                           Duran
CPY    Company
DPM    Department
EXP    Experiment                              MWIR-LWIR_Trans_FileNameFormat.XPM
LCT    Location
SFM    Sample Form                             Atm-MWIR (All A)
SNM    Sample Name                             File Test
XPP    Experiment Path                         C:\Users\Public\Documents\Bruker\OPUS_8.1.29\XPM
IST    Instrument Status                       OK
CPG    Character Encoding Code Page            1252
UID    Universally Unique Identifier           0d1348c2-3a2c-41c9-b521-bdaf0a23710c

                                    Instrument Status Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
HFL    High Folding Limit                      15795.820598
LFL    Low Folding Limit                       0.0
LWN    Laser Wavenumber                        15795.820598
ABP    Absolute Peak Pos in Laser*2            52159
SSP    Sample Spacing Divisor                  1
ASG    Actual Signal Gain                      1
ARG    Actual Reference Gain                   1
ASS    Number of Sample Scans                  50
GFW    Number of Good Forward Scans            25
GBW    Number of Good Backward Scans           25
BFW    Number of Bad Forward Scans             0
BBW    Number of Bad Backward Scans            0
PKA    Peak Amplitude                          1409
PKL    Peak Location                           7364
PRA    Backward Peak Amplitude                 1356
PRL    Backward Peak Location                  7363
P2A    Peak Amplitude Channel 2                1
P2L    Peak Location Channel 2                 1
P2R    Backward Peak Amplitude Channel 2       1
P2K    Backward Peak Location Channel 2        1
DAQ    Data Acquisition Status                 0
AG2    Actual Signal Gain Channel 2            1
HUM    Relative Humidity Interferometer        14
SSM    Sample Spacing Multiplier               1
RSN    Running Sample Number                   565
CRR    Correlation Rejection Reason            0
SRT    Start Time (sec)                        1556890484.642
DUR    Duration (sec)                          42.433990478515625
TSC    Scanner Temperature                     27.8
MVD    Max Velocity Deviation                  0.1158025860786438
PRS    Pressure Interferometer (hPa)           1009.9999700000001
AN1    Analog Signal 1                         0.22596596493037535
AN2    Analog Signal 2                         3.459206583321489
VSN    Firmware Version                        2.450 Oct 10 2014
SRN    Instrument Serial Number                1135
CAM    Coaddition Mode                         0
INS    Instrument Type                         VERTEX 80V
FOC    Focal Length                            100.0
RDY    Ready Check                             1

                                  Reference Parameters (rf_params)

                               Reference Instrument Status Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
HFL    High Folding Limit                      15795.820598
LFL    Low Folding Limit                       0.0
LWN    Laser Wavenumber                        15795.820598
ABP    Absolute Peak Pos in Laser*2            52159
SSP    Sample Spacing Divisor                  1
ARG    Actual Reference Gain                   1
ASG    Actual Signal Gain                      1
ASS    Number of Sample Scans                  1
GFW    Number of Good Forward Scans            1
GBW    Number of Good Backward Scans           0
BFW    Number of Bad Forward Scans             0
BBW    Number of Bad Backward Scans            0
PKA    Peak Amplitude                          1644
PKL    Peak Location                           7364
PRA    Backward Peak Amplitude                 1
PRL    Backward Peak Location                  -1
P2A    Peak Amplitude Channel 2                1
P2L    Peak Location Channel 2                 1
P2R    Backward Peak Amplitude Channel 2       1
P2K    Backward Peak Location Channel 2        1
DAQ    Data Acquisition Status                 0
AG2    Actual Signal Gain Channel 2            1
HUM    Relative Humidity Interferometer        0
SSM    Sample Spacing Multiplier               1
RSN    Running Sample Number                   5816
CRR    Correlation Rejection Reason            0
SRT    Start Time (sec)                        1556890282.358
DUR    Duration (sec)                          0.7919998168945312
TSC    Scanner Temperature                     27.8
MVD    Max Velocity Deviation                  0.10553144663572311
PRS    Pressure Interferometer (hPa)           2.01999
AN1    Analog Signal 1                         0.22577181458473206
AN2    Analog Signal 2                         4.0960001945495605
VSN    Firmware Version                        2.450 Oct 10 2014
SRN    Instrument Serial Number                1135
CAM    Coaddition Mode                         0
INS    Instrument Type                         VERTEX 80V
FOC    Focal Length                            100.0
RDY    Ready Check                             1
ARS    Number of Reference Scans               1

                                    Reference Optical Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
ACC    Accessory                               TRANS *010A984F
APR    ATR Pressure                            0
APT    Aperture Setting                        1 mm
BMS    Beamsplitter                            KBr-Broadband
DTC    Detector                                RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
HPF    High Pass Filter                        0
LPF    Low Pass Filter                         10.0
LPV    Variable Low Pass Filter (cm-1)         4000
OPF    Optical Filter Setting                  Open
PGR    Reference Preamplifier Gain             3
RCH    Reference Measurement Channel           Sample Compartment
RDX    Extended Ready Check                    0
SRC    Source                                  MIR
VEL    Scanner Velocity                        10.0
ADC    External Analog Signals                 0
SON    External Sync                           Off

                                  Reference Acquisition Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
ADT    Additional Data Treatment               0
AQM    Acquisition Mode                        DD
CFE    Low Intensity Power Mode with DTGS      0
COR    Correlation Test Mode                   0
DEL    Delay Before Measurement                0
DLY    Stabilization Delay                     0
HFW    Wanted High Freq Limit                  15000.0
LFW    Wanted Low Freq Limit                   0.0
NSR    Number of Background Scans              1
PLF    Result Spectrum Type                    TR
RES    Resolution (cm-1)                       4.0
RGN    Reference Signal Gain                   1
STR    Scans or Time (Reference)               0
TCL    Command Line for Additional Data Tr...
TDL    To Do List                              16777271

                               Reference Fourier Transform Parameters
Key    Label                                   Value
APF    Apodization Function                    B3
HFQ    End Frequency Limit for File            500.0
LFQ    Start Frequency Limit for File          10000.0
NLI    Nonlinearity Correction                 0
PHR    Phase Resolution                        100.0
PHZ    Phase Correction Mode                   ML
SPZ    Stored Phase Mode                       NO
ZFF    Zero Filling Factor                     2

You can access the sample parameters through the OPUSFile.params attribute, or as a direct attribute for shorthand (e.g. OPUSFile.params.apt or OPUSFile.apt). The parameter keys are also case insensitive (e.g. or OPUSFile.BMS).

OPUS files can also contain parameter information about the associated reference (aka background) measurement. These parameters are only accessible through the OPUSFile.rf_params attribute to avoid namespace collisions (e.g. OPUSFile.rf_params.apt).

data = read_opus('file.0')
print('Sample ZFF:', data.zff, 'Reference ZFF:', data.rf_params.zff)
Sample ZFF: 2 Reference ZFF: 2

You can also get the human-readable label for a parameter key using the get_param_label function:

from brukeropus.file import get_param_label
data = read_opus('file.0')
print(get_param_label('bms') + ':',
print(get_param_label('src') + ':', data.src)
Beamsplitter: KBr-Broadband
Source: MIR

You can also iterate over the parameters using the familiar keys(), values(), and items() functions using the params or rf_params attributes (just like a dictionary):

data = read_opus('file.0')
for key, val in data.params.items():
    print(key + ':', val)
acc: TRANS *010A984F
apr: 0
apt: 1 mm
bms: KBr-Broadband
chn: Sample Compartment
dtc: RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
hpf: 0
lpf: 10.0
lpv: 4000
opf: Open
pgn: 3
... continued ...

Depending on the settings used to save the OPUS file, different data blocks can be stored. To retrieve a list of data blocks stored in the OPUS File, you can use the all_data_keys attribute:

data = read_opus('file.0')
['igsm', 'phsm', 'sm', 'a', 'igrf', 'rf']

Each key is also an attribute of the OPUSFile instance that returns either a Data (single spectra) or DataSeries (series of spectra) class. You can use the data_keys attribute to retrieve a list of only the single-spectra Data keys in the class, or the series_keys attribute to retrieve a list of only the DataSeries keys.

You can also iterate over these data keys using the iter_all_data(), iter_data() and iter_series() class methods:

data = read_opus('file.0')
for d in data.iter_data():
    print(d.label, '(' + d.datetime.isoformat(' ') + ')')
Sample Interferogram (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
Sample Phase (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
Sample Spectrum (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
Absorbance (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
Reference Interferogram (2019-05-03 13:31:22.358000)
Reference Spectrum (2019-05-03 13:31:22.358000)

You can access the x and y arrays of a Data or DataSeries class:

data = read_opus('file.0')
plt.plot(data.a.x, data.a.y)  # Plot absorbance
plt.ylim((0, 1))

For spectra with wavenumber as valid unit (e.g. single-channel or ratioed spectra), the x array can be given in wavenumber [cm⁻¹] or wavelength [µm] or modulation frequency [Hz] units by using the attributes wn, wl, or f respectively:

data = read_opus('file.0')

Each data block in an OPUS file also contains a small parameter block with information such as the min/max y-value (mny, mxy), x-units (dxu), number of data points (npt), etc. These can be accessed as direct attributes to the Data class, or through the Data.params attribute:

data = read_opus('file.0')
print('Sample spectra y-min:',, 'y-max:',
Sample spectra y-min: 1.2147593224653974e-05 y-max: 0.03543896973133087

For full API documentation, see:
OPUSFile: brukeropus.file.file.OPUSFile
Data: brukeropus.file.file.Data
DataSeries: brukeropus.file.file.DataSeries

  2The `brukeropus.file` submodule of `brukeropus` includes all the functions and classes for reading and exploring OPUS
  3files. This includes both high-level functions like `read_opus` that returns an `OPUSFile` class, as well as low-level
  4parsing functions like `parse_directory` that returns data extracted directly from the binary OPUS file bytes.  This
  5overview documentation will focus on the high-level functions which will be useful for most users.  If you are
  6interested in using the low-level parsing functions, perhaps to make your own data class or customize how files are
  7read, refer to: `brukeropus.file.parse` which contains all the low-level parsing functions.
  8## Finding OPUS Files
  9OPUS files are typically saved with a numeric file extension (e.g. file.0, file.1, file.1001).  This makes searching for
 10a list of OPUS files in a directory a little more cumbersome than a traditional "*.csv" search.  To address this,
 11`brukeropus` includes a `find_opus_files` function:
 13from brukeropus import find_opus_files
 15filepaths = find_opus_files(r'path\\to\\opus\\files', recursive=True)
 17Which will assign a list of filepaths that match the numeric extension formatting of OPUS files. For full documentation,
 18see `brukeropus.file.utils.find_opus_files`.
 19## Reading OPUS Files
 20`brukeropus` parses OPUS files and assembles them into an `OPUSFile` object that contains the extracted data (and
 21metadata) within the file.  You can generate an `OPUSFile` object in one of two ways:
 23from brukeropus import read_opus, OPUSFile
 25filepath = r'path\\to\\opusfile.0'
 27data = read_opus(filepath)
 28same_data = OPUSFile(filepath)
 30In the above code, `data` and `same_data` are both `OPUSFile` objects with identical data.
 31## Using the `OPUSFile` Class
 32OPUS files all start with the same first four *magic bytes*.  If the file does not start with these bytes (i.e. is not
 33a valid OPUS file), the `OPUSFile` class will logically evaluate to `false`:
 35data = read_opus('file.pdf')
 36if data:
 37    print(data)
 39    print(data.filepath, 'is not an OPUS file')
 41To view all parameter metadata in the file, you can print to the console using the class method: `print_parameters`.
 42This will let you view all the key, value parameter data extracted from the file with labels for what the parameter keys
 43are referring to wherever known.
 46data = read_opus('file.0')
 50<summary>Example `print_parameters` Output</summary>
 54                                 Sample/Result Parameters (params)
 57                                         Optical Parameters
 58Key    Label                                   Value
 59ACC    Accessory                               TRANS *010A984F
 60APR    ATR Pressure                            0
 61APT    Aperture Setting                        1 mm
 62BMS    Beamsplitter                            KBr-Broadband
 63CHN    Measurement Channel                     Sample Compartment
 64DTC    Detector                                RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
 65HPF    High Pass Filter                        0
 66LPF    Low Pass Filter                         10.0
 67LPV    Variable Low Pass Filter (cm-1)         4000
 68OPF    Optical Filter Setting                  Open
 69PGN    Preamplifier Gain                       3
 70RDX    Extended Ready Check                    0
 71SRC    Source                                  MIR
 72VEL    Scanner Velocity                        10.0
 73ADC    External Analog Signals                 0
 74SON    External Sync                           Off
 77                                    Fourier Transform Parameters
 78Key    Label                                   Value
 79APF    Apodization Function                    B3
 80HFQ    End Frequency Limit for File            500.0
 81LFQ    Start Frequency Limit for File          10000.0
 82NLI    Nonlinearity Correction                 0
 83PHR    Phase Resolution                        100.0
 84PHZ    Phase Correction Mode                   ML
 85SPZ    Stored Phase Mode                       NO
 86ZFF    Zero Filling Factor                     2
 89                                       Acquisition Parameters
 90Key    Label                                   Value
 91ADT    Additional Data Treatment               0
 92AQM    Acquisition Mode                        DD
 93CFE    Low Intensity Power Mode with DTGS      0
 94COR    Correlation Test Mode                   0
 95DEL    Delay Before Measurement                0
 96DLY    Stabilization Delay                     0
 97HFW    Wanted High Freq Limit                  15000.0
 98LFW    Wanted Low Freq Limit                   0.0
 99NSS    Number of Sample Scans                  50
100PLF    Result Spectrum Type                    AB
101RES    Resolution (cm-1)                       4.0
102SOT    Sample Scans or Time                    0
103TCL    Command Line for Additional Data Tr...
104TDL    To Do List                              16777271
105SGN    Sample Signal Gain                      1
108                                      Sample Origin Parameters
109Key    Label                                   Value
110BLD    Building
111CNM    Operator Name                           Duran
112CPY    Company
113DPM    Department
114EXP    Experiment                              MWIR-LWIR_Trans_FileNameFormat.XPM
115LCT    Location
116SFM    Sample Form                             Atm-MWIR (All A)
117SNM    Sample Name                             File Test
118XPP    Experiment Path                         C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Bruker\\OPUS_8.1.29\\XPM
119IST    Instrument Status                       OK
120CPG    Character Encoding Code Page            1252
121UID    Universally Unique Identifier           0d1348c2-3a2c-41c9-b521-bdaf0a23710c
124                                    Instrument Status Parameters
125Key    Label                                   Value
126HFL    High Folding Limit                      15795.820598
127LFL    Low Folding Limit                       0.0
128LWN    Laser Wavenumber                        15795.820598
129ABP    Absolute Peak Pos in Laser*2            52159
130SSP    Sample Spacing Divisor                  1
131ASG    Actual Signal Gain                      1
132ARG    Actual Reference Gain                   1
133ASS    Number of Sample Scans                  50
134GFW    Number of Good Forward Scans            25
135GBW    Number of Good Backward Scans           25
136BFW    Number of Bad Forward Scans             0
137BBW    Number of Bad Backward Scans            0
138PKA    Peak Amplitude                          1409
139PKL    Peak Location                           7364
140PRA    Backward Peak Amplitude                 1356
141PRL    Backward Peak Location                  7363
142P2A    Peak Amplitude Channel 2                1
143P2L    Peak Location Channel 2                 1
144P2R    Backward Peak Amplitude Channel 2       1
145P2K    Backward Peak Location Channel 2        1
146DAQ    Data Acquisition Status                 0
147AG2    Actual Signal Gain Channel 2            1
148HUM    Relative Humidity Interferometer        14
149SSM    Sample Spacing Multiplier               1
150RSN    Running Sample Number                   565
151CRR    Correlation Rejection Reason            0
152SRT    Start Time (sec)                        1556890484.642
153DUR    Duration (sec)                          42.433990478515625
154TSC    Scanner Temperature                     27.8
155MVD    Max Velocity Deviation                  0.1158025860786438
156PRS    Pressure Interferometer (hPa)           1009.9999700000001
157AN1    Analog Signal 1                         0.22596596493037535
158AN2    Analog Signal 2                         3.459206583321489
159VSN    Firmware Version                        2.450 Oct 10 2014
160SRN    Instrument Serial Number                1135
161CAM    Coaddition Mode                         0
162INS    Instrument Type                         VERTEX 80V
163FOC    Focal Length                            100.0
164RDY    Ready Check                             1
167                                  Reference Parameters (rf_params)
170                               Reference Instrument Status Parameters
171Key    Label                                   Value
172HFL    High Folding Limit                      15795.820598
173LFL    Low Folding Limit                       0.0
174LWN    Laser Wavenumber                        15795.820598
175ABP    Absolute Peak Pos in Laser*2            52159
176SSP    Sample Spacing Divisor                  1
177ARG    Actual Reference Gain                   1
178ASG    Actual Signal Gain                      1
179ASS    Number of Sample Scans                  1
180GFW    Number of Good Forward Scans            1
181GBW    Number of Good Backward Scans           0
182BFW    Number of Bad Forward Scans             0
183BBW    Number of Bad Backward Scans            0
184PKA    Peak Amplitude                          1644
185PKL    Peak Location                           7364
186PRA    Backward Peak Amplitude                 1
187PRL    Backward Peak Location                  -1
188P2A    Peak Amplitude Channel 2                1
189P2L    Peak Location Channel 2                 1
190P2R    Backward Peak Amplitude Channel 2       1
191P2K    Backward Peak Location Channel 2        1
192DAQ    Data Acquisition Status                 0
193AG2    Actual Signal Gain Channel 2            1
194HUM    Relative Humidity Interferometer        0
195SSM    Sample Spacing Multiplier               1
196RSN    Running Sample Number                   5816
197CRR    Correlation Rejection Reason            0
198SRT    Start Time (sec)                        1556890282.358
199DUR    Duration (sec)                          0.7919998168945312
200TSC    Scanner Temperature                     27.8
201MVD    Max Velocity Deviation                  0.10553144663572311
202PRS    Pressure Interferometer (hPa)           2.01999
203AN1    Analog Signal 1                         0.22577181458473206
204AN2    Analog Signal 2                         4.0960001945495605
205VSN    Firmware Version                        2.450 Oct 10 2014
206SRN    Instrument Serial Number                1135
207CAM    Coaddition Mode                         0
208INS    Instrument Type                         VERTEX 80V
209FOC    Focal Length                            100.0
210RDY    Ready Check                             1
211ARS    Number of Reference Scans               1
214                                    Reference Optical Parameters
215Key    Label                                   Value
216ACC    Accessory                               TRANS *010A984F
217APR    ATR Pressure                            0
218APT    Aperture Setting                        1 mm
219BMS    Beamsplitter                            KBr-Broadband
220DTC    Detector                                RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
221HPF    High Pass Filter                        0
222LPF    Low Pass Filter                         10.0
223LPV    Variable Low Pass Filter (cm-1)         4000
224OPF    Optical Filter Setting                  Open
225PGR    Reference Preamplifier Gain             3
226RCH    Reference Measurement Channel           Sample Compartment
227RDX    Extended Ready Check                    0
228SRC    Source                                  MIR
229VEL    Scanner Velocity                        10.0
230ADC    External Analog Signals                 0
231SON    External Sync                           Off
234                                  Reference Acquisition Parameters
235Key    Label                                   Value
236ADT    Additional Data Treatment               0
237AQM    Acquisition Mode                        DD
238CFE    Low Intensity Power Mode with DTGS      0
239COR    Correlation Test Mode                   0
240DEL    Delay Before Measurement                0
241DLY    Stabilization Delay                     0
242HFW    Wanted High Freq Limit                  15000.0
243LFW    Wanted Low Freq Limit                   0.0
244NSR    Number of Background Scans              1
245PLF    Result Spectrum Type                    TR
246RES    Resolution (cm-1)                       4.0
247RGN    Reference Signal Gain                   1
248STR    Scans or Time (Reference)               0
249TCL    Command Line for Additional Data Tr...
250TDL    To Do List                              16777271
253                               Reference Fourier Transform Parameters
254Key    Label                                   Value
255APF    Apodization Function                    B3
256HFQ    End Frequency Limit for File            500.0
257LFQ    Start Frequency Limit for File          10000.0
258NLI    Nonlinearity Correction                 0
259PHR    Phase Resolution                        100.0
260PHZ    Phase Correction Mode                   ML
261SPZ    Stored Phase Mode                       NO
262ZFF    Zero Filling Factor                     2
267You can access the sample parameters through the `OPUSFile.params` attribute, or as a direct attribute for shorthand
268(e.g. `OPUSFile.params.apt` or `OPUSFile.apt`).  The parameter keys are also case insensitive (e.g. `` or
271OPUS files can also contain parameter information about the associated reference (aka background) measurement. These
272parameters are only accessible through the `OPUSFile.rf_params` attribute to avoid namespace collisions (e.g.
276data = read_opus('file.0')
277print('Sample ZFF:', data.zff, 'Reference ZFF:', data.rf_params.zff)
280Sample ZFF: 2 Reference ZFF: 2
283You can also get the human-readable label for a parameter key using the `get_param_label` function:
286from brukeropus.file import get_param_label
287data = read_opus('file.0')
288print(get_param_label('bms') + ':',
289print(get_param_label('src') + ':', data.src)
292Beamsplitter: KBr-Broadband
293Source: MIR
296You can also iterate over the parameters using the familiar `keys()`, `values()`, and `items()` functions using the
297`params` or `rf_params` attributes (just like a dictionary):
300data = read_opus('file.0')
301for key, val in data.params.items():
302    print(key + ':', val)
305acc: TRANS *010A984F
306apr: 0
307apt: 1 mm
308bms: KBr-Broadband
309chn: Sample Compartment
310dtc: RT-DLaTGS [Internal Pos.1]
311hpf: 0
312lpf: 10.0
313lpv: 4000
314opf: Open
315pgn: 3
316... continued ...
319Depending on the settings used to save the OPUS file, different data blocks can be stored.  To retrieve a list of data
320blocks stored in the OPUS File, you can use the `all_data_keys` attribute:
323data = read_opus('file.0')
327['igsm', 'phsm', 'sm', 'a', 'igrf', 'rf']
330Each key is also an attribute of the `OPUSFile` instance that returns either a `Data` (single spectra) or `DataSeries`
331(series of spectra) class.  You can use the `data_keys` attribute to retrieve a list of only the single-spectra `Data`
332keys in the class, or the `series_keys` attribute to retrieve a list of only the `DataSeries` keys.
334You can also iterate over these data keys using the `iter_all_data()`, `iter_data()` and `iter_series()` class
338data = read_opus('file.0')
339for d in data.iter_data():
340    print(d.label, '(' + d.datetime.isoformat(' ') + ')')
343Sample Interferogram (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
344Sample Phase (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
345Sample Spectrum (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
346Absorbance (2019-05-03 13:34:44.641000)
347Reference Interferogram (2019-05-03 13:31:22.358000)
348Reference Spectrum (2019-05-03 13:31:22.358000)
351You can access the `x` and `y` arrays of a `Data` or `DataSeries` class:
354data = read_opus('file.0')
355plt.plot(data.a.x, data.a.y)  # Plot absorbance
356plt.ylim((0, 1))
360For spectra with wavenumber as valid unit (e.g. single-channel or ratioed spectra), the `x` array can be given in 
361wavenumber [`cm⁻¹`] or wavelength [`µm`] or modulation frequency [`Hz`] units by using the attributes `wn`, `wl`, or `f`
365data = read_opus('file.0')
370Each data block in an OPUS file also contains a small parameter block with information such as the min/max y-value
371(mny, mxy), x-units (dxu), number of data points (npt), etc.  These can be accessed as direct attributes to the `Data`
372class, or through the `Data.params` attribute:
375data = read_opus('file.0')
376print('Sample spectra y-min:',, 'y-max:',
379Sample spectra y-min: 1.2147593224653974e-05 y-max: 0.03543896973133087
381For full API documentation, see:  
382`OPUSFile`: `brukeropus.file.file.OPUSFile`  
383`Data`: `brukeropus.file.file.Data`  
384`DataSeries`: `brukeropus.file.file.DataSeries`
386from brukeropus.file.file import *
387from brukeropus.file.block import *
388from brukeropus.file.parse import *
389from brukeropus.file.labels import *
390from brukeropus.file.utils import *
391from brukeropus.file.constants import *