
  1import os
  2from brukeropus.control import DDEClient
  3from brukeropus import read_opus
  5__docformat__ = "google"
  8    1: 'Not an Opus Command',
  9    2: 'Unknown Opus Command',
 10    3: 'Missing Square Bracket in Command',
 11    4: 'Function Not Available (Possible missing parameter)',
 12    5: 'Parameter Name Is Incorrect',
 13    6: 'Parameter Set Is Incomplete',
 14    7: 'File Parameter Is Incorrectly Formatted',
 15    8: 'File(s) Missing Or Corrupt',
 16    9: 'Opus Could Not Complete The Command',
 20class Opus:
 21    '''Class for communicating with currently running OPUS software using DDE interface.  Class automatically attempts
 22    to connect to OPUS software upon initialization.'''
 23    dde = None
 24    connected = False
 25    error_string = 'Error'
 27    def connect(self):
 28        '''Connects class to OPUS software through the DDE interface.  Sets the `connected` attribute to `True` if
 29        successful.  By default, initializing an `Opus` class will automatically attempt to connect to OPUS.'''
 30        try:
 31            self.dde = DDEClient("Opus", "System")
 32            self.connected = True
 33        except Exception as e:
 34            self.connected = False
 35            raise Exception("Failed to connect to OPUS Software: " + str(e))
 37    def disconnect(self):
 38        '''Disconnects DDE client/server connection.'''
 39        if self.connected:
 40            self.dde.__del__()
 41            self.dde = None
 42            self.connected = False
 44    def raw_query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000):
 45        '''Sends command/request string (`req_str`) to OPUS and returns the response in byte format.
 47        Args:
 48            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
 49            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
 50                raised.
 52        Returns:
 53            response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.'''
 54        return self.dde.request(req_str, timeout)
 56    def parse_response(self, byte_response: bytes, decode='ascii'):
 57        '''Parses the byte response from a raw DDE request query.  If an error is detected in the request, an Exception
 58        is raised.  If successful, a boolean, string or list of strings will be returned as appropriate.
 60        Args:
 61            byte_response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.
 62            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
 64        Returns:
 65            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)'''
 66        str_response = byte_response.decode(decode)
 67        responses = str_response.split('\n')
 68        responses = [r for r in responses if r != '']
 69        if len(responses) == 0:
 70            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; no response recieved...')
 71        elif responses[0].startswith(self.error_string):
 72            error = self._parse_error(responses[0])
 73            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; ' + error)
 74        else:
 75            responses = [r for r in responses if r != 'OK']
 76            if len(responses) == 0:
 77                return True
 78            elif len(responses) == 1:
 79                return responses[0]
 80            else:
 81                return responses
 83    def _parse_error(self, response: str):
 84        try:
 85            code = int(response[response.rfind('ID: ') + 4:])
 86            if code in ERROR_CODES.keys():
 87                return ERROR_CODES[code]
 88            else:
 89                return response
 90        except:
 91            return response
 93    def query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000, decode='ascii'):
 94        '''Sends a command/request and returns the parsed response.
 96        Args:
 97            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
 98            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
 99                raised.
100            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
102        Returns:
103            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)
104        '''
105        response = self.raw_query(req_str=req_str, timeout=timeout)
106        return self.parse_response(response, decode=decode)
108    def close_opus(self):
109        '''Closes the OPUS application. Returns `True` if successful.'''
110        return self.query('CLOSE_OPUS')
112    def get_param_label(self, param: str):
113        '''Get the label for a three character parameter code (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
115        Args:
116            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
118        Returns:
119            label: short descriptive label that defines the parameter'''
120        return self.query('PARAM_STRING ' + param.upper())
122    def get_param_options(self, param: str):
123        '''Get the parameter setting options for a three character parameter code. Only valid for
124        enum type parameters (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
126        Args:
127            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
129        Returns:
130            options: list of valid options (strings) for the given parameter'''
131        result = self.query('ENUM_STRINGS ' + param.upper())
132        if type(result) is list:
133            return result[1:]
134        else:
135            return False
137    def get_version(self):
138        '''Get the OPUS software version information'''
139        return self.query('GET_VERSION_EXTENDED')
141    def get_opus_path(self):
142        '''Get the absolute path to the OPUS software directory (where PARAMTEXT.bin and other instrument specific files
143        are located)'''
144        return self.query('GET_OPUSPATH')
146    def send_command(self, text_command: str, timeout=10000):
147        '''Used to send "Direct Commands" to the optics bench. Useful for manually moving motors, etc. from accessories
148        and other low-level operations such as controlling the scanning mirror movement.
150        Examples:
151            send_command('VAC=5') # vents the sample compartment
152            send_command('VAC=4') # evacuates sample compartment
154        Args:
155            text_command: string command as you would enter into "Direct Command" input of OPUS
156            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
158        Returns:
159            response: parsed response from OPUS software (typically boolean confirmation)'''
161        return self.query('SendCommand(0, {UNI=' + text_command + '})')
163    def evacuate_sample(self):
164        '''Evacuates the sample compartment'''
165        return self.send_command('VAC=4')
167    def vent_sample(self):
168        '''Vents the sample compartment'''
169        return self.send_command('VAC=5')
171    def close_flaps(self):
172        '''Closes vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
173        return self.send_command('FLP=1')
175    def open_flaps(self):
176        '''Opens vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
177        return self.send_command('FLP=0')
179    def unload_file(self, filepath: str):
180        '''Unloads a file from the OPUS software from its `filepath`
182        Args:
183            filepath: full path of the file to be unloaded in the software.
185        Returns:
186            response: `True` if successful.'''
187        return self.query('UNLOAD_FILE "' + filepath + '"')
189    def unload_all(self):
190        '''Unloads all files from OPUS software'''
191        return self.query('UnloadAll()')
193    def measure_ref(self, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
194        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
195        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
196        to customize the measurement.  example:
198            measure_ref(nrs=100, res=4) # measures reference with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
199                resolution to 4
201        Args:
202            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
203            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
205        Returns:
206            response: `True` if successful
207            '''
208        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
209        ok = self.query('MeasureReference(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
210        return ok
212    def measure_sample(self, unload=False, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
213        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
214        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
215        to customize the measurement.  example:
217            measure_sample(nss=100, res=4) # measures sample with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
218                resolution to 4
220        Args:
221            unload: whether to unload the file from OPUS after measurement is complete (to allow moving/renaming, etc.)
222            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
223            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
225        Returns:
226            filepath: absolute filepath to measured sample file'''
227        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
228        output = self.query('MeasureSample(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
229        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
230        if unload:
231            self.unload_file(filepath)
232        return filepath
234    def check_signal(self, nss=1, **kwargs):
235        '''Performs a quick (typically 1 sample) measurement using the current FTIR settings. Current settings can be
236        overridden using **kwargs. After measurement is finished, the file is unloaded from OPUS and deleted. The
237        function returns an `OPUSFile` object before it deletes the quick measurement file.
239        Args:
240            nss: number of sample scans to average (default is 1, i.e. no averaging)
241            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
243        Returns:
244            opus_file: `OPUSFile` object generated by quick measurement'''
245        filepath = self.measure_sample(unload=True, nss=nss, **kwargs)
246        opus_file = read_opus(filepath)
247        os.remove(filepath)
248        return opus_file
250    def save_ref(self):
251        '''Saves current reference to file (according to current filename and path set in advanced experiment) and
252        returns the filename.
254        Returns:
255            filepath: absolute path to saved reference file'''
256        output = self.query('SaveReference()')
257        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
258        return filepath
260    def _param_str(self, **kwargs):
261        '''Takes in an arbitrary number of: key=val kwargs and returns a param string of the following format:
263        _param_str(nss=100, res=4)
264        returns: {NSS=100,RES=4}
266        These param strings are used by the measure_ref and measure_sample functions to specify
267        experimental parameters.'''
268        params = []
269        for arg, val in kwargs.items():
270            params.append(arg.upper() + '=' + str(val))
271        if len(params) > 0:
272            return '{' + ','.join(params) + '}'
273        else:
274            return ''
276    def __bool__(self):
277        return self.connected
279    def __init__(self):
280        self.connect()
281        if self.connected:
282            self.opus_path = self.get_opus_path()
ERROR_CODES = {1: 'Not an Opus Command', 2: 'Unknown Opus Command', 3: 'Missing Square Bracket in Command', 4: 'Function Not Available (Possible missing parameter)', 5: 'Parameter Name Is Incorrect', 6: 'Parameter Set Is Incomplete', 7: 'File Parameter Is Incorrectly Formatted', 8: 'File(s) Missing Or Corrupt', 9: 'Opus Could Not Complete The Command'}
class Opus:
 21class Opus:
 22    '''Class for communicating with currently running OPUS software using DDE interface.  Class automatically attempts
 23    to connect to OPUS software upon initialization.'''
 24    dde = None
 25    connected = False
 26    error_string = 'Error'
 28    def connect(self):
 29        '''Connects class to OPUS software through the DDE interface.  Sets the `connected` attribute to `True` if
 30        successful.  By default, initializing an `Opus` class will automatically attempt to connect to OPUS.'''
 31        try:
 32            self.dde = DDEClient("Opus", "System")
 33            self.connected = True
 34        except Exception as e:
 35            self.connected = False
 36            raise Exception("Failed to connect to OPUS Software: " + str(e))
 38    def disconnect(self):
 39        '''Disconnects DDE client/server connection.'''
 40        if self.connected:
 41            self.dde.__del__()
 42            self.dde = None
 43            self.connected = False
 45    def raw_query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000):
 46        '''Sends command/request string (`req_str`) to OPUS and returns the response in byte format.
 48        Args:
 49            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
 50            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
 51                raised.
 53        Returns:
 54            response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.'''
 55        return self.dde.request(req_str, timeout)
 57    def parse_response(self, byte_response: bytes, decode='ascii'):
 58        '''Parses the byte response from a raw DDE request query.  If an error is detected in the request, an Exception
 59        is raised.  If successful, a boolean, string or list of strings will be returned as appropriate.
 61        Args:
 62            byte_response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.
 63            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
 65        Returns:
 66            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)'''
 67        str_response = byte_response.decode(decode)
 68        responses = str_response.split('\n')
 69        responses = [r for r in responses if r != '']
 70        if len(responses) == 0:
 71            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; no response recieved...')
 72        elif responses[0].startswith(self.error_string):
 73            error = self._parse_error(responses[0])
 74            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; ' + error)
 75        else:
 76            responses = [r for r in responses if r != 'OK']
 77            if len(responses) == 0:
 78                return True
 79            elif len(responses) == 1:
 80                return responses[0]
 81            else:
 82                return responses
 84    def _parse_error(self, response: str):
 85        try:
 86            code = int(response[response.rfind('ID: ') + 4:])
 87            if code in ERROR_CODES.keys():
 88                return ERROR_CODES[code]
 89            else:
 90                return response
 91        except:
 92            return response
 94    def query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000, decode='ascii'):
 95        '''Sends a command/request and returns the parsed response.
 97        Args:
 98            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
 99            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
100                raised.
101            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
103        Returns:
104            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)
105        '''
106        response = self.raw_query(req_str=req_str, timeout=timeout)
107        return self.parse_response(response, decode=decode)
109    def close_opus(self):
110        '''Closes the OPUS application. Returns `True` if successful.'''
111        return self.query('CLOSE_OPUS')
113    def get_param_label(self, param: str):
114        '''Get the label for a three character parameter code (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
116        Args:
117            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
119        Returns:
120            label: short descriptive label that defines the parameter'''
121        return self.query('PARAM_STRING ' + param.upper())
123    def get_param_options(self, param: str):
124        '''Get the parameter setting options for a three character parameter code. Only valid for
125        enum type parameters (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
127        Args:
128            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
130        Returns:
131            options: list of valid options (strings) for the given parameter'''
132        result = self.query('ENUM_STRINGS ' + param.upper())
133        if type(result) is list:
134            return result[1:]
135        else:
136            return False
138    def get_version(self):
139        '''Get the OPUS software version information'''
140        return self.query('GET_VERSION_EXTENDED')
142    def get_opus_path(self):
143        '''Get the absolute path to the OPUS software directory (where PARAMTEXT.bin and other instrument specific files
144        are located)'''
145        return self.query('GET_OPUSPATH')
147    def send_command(self, text_command: str, timeout=10000):
148        '''Used to send "Direct Commands" to the optics bench. Useful for manually moving motors, etc. from accessories
149        and other low-level operations such as controlling the scanning mirror movement.
151        Examples:
152            send_command('VAC=5') # vents the sample compartment
153            send_command('VAC=4') # evacuates sample compartment
155        Args:
156            text_command: string command as you would enter into "Direct Command" input of OPUS
157            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
159        Returns:
160            response: parsed response from OPUS software (typically boolean confirmation)'''
162        return self.query('SendCommand(0, {UNI=' + text_command + '})')
164    def evacuate_sample(self):
165        '''Evacuates the sample compartment'''
166        return self.send_command('VAC=4')
168    def vent_sample(self):
169        '''Vents the sample compartment'''
170        return self.send_command('VAC=5')
172    def close_flaps(self):
173        '''Closes vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
174        return self.send_command('FLP=1')
176    def open_flaps(self):
177        '''Opens vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
178        return self.send_command('FLP=0')
180    def unload_file(self, filepath: str):
181        '''Unloads a file from the OPUS software from its `filepath`
183        Args:
184            filepath: full path of the file to be unloaded in the software.
186        Returns:
187            response: `True` if successful.'''
188        return self.query('UNLOAD_FILE "' + filepath + '"')
190    def unload_all(self):
191        '''Unloads all files from OPUS software'''
192        return self.query('UnloadAll()')
194    def measure_ref(self, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
195        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
196        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
197        to customize the measurement.  example:
199            measure_ref(nrs=100, res=4) # measures reference with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
200                resolution to 4
202        Args:
203            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
204            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
206        Returns:
207            response: `True` if successful
208            '''
209        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
210        ok = self.query('MeasureReference(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
211        return ok
213    def measure_sample(self, unload=False, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
214        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
215        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
216        to customize the measurement.  example:
218            measure_sample(nss=100, res=4) # measures sample with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
219                resolution to 4
221        Args:
222            unload: whether to unload the file from OPUS after measurement is complete (to allow moving/renaming, etc.)
223            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
224            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
226        Returns:
227            filepath: absolute filepath to measured sample file'''
228        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
229        output = self.query('MeasureSample(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
230        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
231        if unload:
232            self.unload_file(filepath)
233        return filepath
235    def check_signal(self, nss=1, **kwargs):
236        '''Performs a quick (typically 1 sample) measurement using the current FTIR settings. Current settings can be
237        overridden using **kwargs. After measurement is finished, the file is unloaded from OPUS and deleted. The
238        function returns an `OPUSFile` object before it deletes the quick measurement file.
240        Args:
241            nss: number of sample scans to average (default is 1, i.e. no averaging)
242            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
244        Returns:
245            opus_file: `OPUSFile` object generated by quick measurement'''
246        filepath = self.measure_sample(unload=True, nss=nss, **kwargs)
247        opus_file = read_opus(filepath)
248        os.remove(filepath)
249        return opus_file
251    def save_ref(self):
252        '''Saves current reference to file (according to current filename and path set in advanced experiment) and
253        returns the filename.
255        Returns:
256            filepath: absolute path to saved reference file'''
257        output = self.query('SaveReference()')
258        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
259        return filepath
261    def _param_str(self, **kwargs):
262        '''Takes in an arbitrary number of: key=val kwargs and returns a param string of the following format:
264        _param_str(nss=100, res=4)
265        returns: {NSS=100,RES=4}
267        These param strings are used by the measure_ref and measure_sample functions to specify
268        experimental parameters.'''
269        params = []
270        for arg, val in kwargs.items():
271            params.append(arg.upper() + '=' + str(val))
272        if len(params) > 0:
273            return '{' + ','.join(params) + '}'
274        else:
275            return ''
277    def __bool__(self):
278        return self.connected
280    def __init__(self):
281        self.connect()
282        if self.connected:
283            self.opus_path = self.get_opus_path()

Class for communicating with currently running OPUS software using DDE interface. Class automatically attempts to connect to OPUS software upon initialization.

dde = None
connected = False
error_string = 'Error'
def connect(self):
28    def connect(self):
29        '''Connects class to OPUS software through the DDE interface.  Sets the `connected` attribute to `True` if
30        successful.  By default, initializing an `Opus` class will automatically attempt to connect to OPUS.'''
31        try:
32            self.dde = DDEClient("Opus", "System")
33            self.connected = True
34        except Exception as e:
35            self.connected = False
36            raise Exception("Failed to connect to OPUS Software: " + str(e))

Connects class to OPUS software through the DDE interface. Sets the connected attribute to True if successful. By default, initializing an Opus class will automatically attempt to connect to OPUS.

def disconnect(self):
38    def disconnect(self):
39        '''Disconnects DDE client/server connection.'''
40        if self.connected:
41            self.dde.__del__()
42            self.dde = None
43            self.connected = False

Disconnects DDE client/server connection.

def raw_query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000):
45    def raw_query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000):
46        '''Sends command/request string (`req_str`) to OPUS and returns the response in byte format.
48        Args:
49            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
50            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
51                raised.
53        Returns:
54            response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.'''
55        return self.dde.request(req_str, timeout)

Sends command/request string (req_str) to OPUS and returns the response in byte format.

  • req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds. If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is raised.

response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.

def parse_response(self, byte_response: bytes, decode='ascii'):
57    def parse_response(self, byte_response: bytes, decode='ascii'):
58        '''Parses the byte response from a raw DDE request query.  If an error is detected in the request, an Exception
59        is raised.  If successful, a boolean, string or list of strings will be returned as appropriate.
61        Args:
62            byte_response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.
63            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
65        Returns:
66            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)'''
67        str_response = byte_response.decode(decode)
68        responses = str_response.split('\n')
69        responses = [r for r in responses if r != '']
70        if len(responses) == 0:
71            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; no response recieved...')
72        elif responses[0].startswith(self.error_string):
73            error = self._parse_error(responses[0])
74            raise Exception('Error with DDE request: "' + req_str + '"; ' + error)
75        else:
76            responses = [r for r in responses if r != 'OK']
77            if len(responses) == 0:
78                return True
79            elif len(responses) == 1:
80                return responses[0]
81            else:
82                return responses

Parses the byte response from a raw DDE request query. If an error is detected in the request, an Exception is raised. If successful, a boolean, string or list of strings will be returned as appropriate.

  • byte_response: response from OPUS software through DDE request in bytes format.
  • decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')

response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)

def query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000, decode='ascii'):
 94    def query(self, req_str: str, timeout=10000, decode='ascii'):
 95        '''Sends a command/request and returns the parsed response.
 97        Args:
 98            req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
 99            timeout: timeout in milliseconds.  If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is
100                raised.
101            decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')
103        Returns:
104            response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)
105        '''
106        response = self.raw_query(req_str=req_str, timeout=timeout)
107        return self.parse_response(response, decode=decode)

Sends a command/request and returns the parsed response.

  • req_str: The request string to send to OPUS over DDE
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds. If a response is not recieved within the timeout period, an exception is raised.
  • decode: format used to decode bytes into string (e.g. 'ascii' or 'utf-8')

response: parsed response from OPUS software (bool, string, or list of strings depending on request)

def close_opus(self):
109    def close_opus(self):
110        '''Closes the OPUS application. Returns `True` if successful.'''
111        return self.query('CLOSE_OPUS')

Closes the OPUS application. Returns True if successful.

def get_param_label(self, param: str):
113    def get_param_label(self, param: str):
114        '''Get the label for a three character parameter code (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
116        Args:
117            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
119        Returns:
120            label: short descriptive label that defines the parameter'''
121        return self.query('PARAM_STRING ' + param.upper())

Get the label for a three character parameter code (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).

  • param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)

label: short descriptive label that defines the parameter

def get_param_options(self, param: str):
123    def get_param_options(self, param: str):
124        '''Get the parameter setting options for a three character parameter code. Only valid for
125        enum type parameters (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).
127        Args:
128            param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)
130        Returns:
131            options: list of valid options (strings) for the given parameter'''
132        result = self.query('ENUM_STRINGS ' + param.upper())
133        if type(result) is list:
134            return result[1:]
135        else:
136            return False

Get the parameter setting options for a three character parameter code. Only valid for enum type parameters (e.g. BMS, APT, DTC, etc...).

  • param: three character parameter code (case insensitive)

options: list of valid options (strings) for the given parameter

def get_version(self):
138    def get_version(self):
139        '''Get the OPUS software version information'''
140        return self.query('GET_VERSION_EXTENDED')

Get the OPUS software version information

def get_opus_path(self):
142    def get_opus_path(self):
143        '''Get the absolute path to the OPUS software directory (where PARAMTEXT.bin and other instrument specific files
144        are located)'''
145        return self.query('GET_OPUSPATH')

Get the absolute path to the OPUS software directory (where PARAMTEXT.bin and other instrument specific files are located)

def send_command(self, text_command: str, timeout=10000):
147    def send_command(self, text_command: str, timeout=10000):
148        '''Used to send "Direct Commands" to the optics bench. Useful for manually moving motors, etc. from accessories
149        and other low-level operations such as controlling the scanning mirror movement.
151        Examples:
152            send_command('VAC=5') # vents the sample compartment
153            send_command('VAC=4') # evacuates sample compartment
155        Args:
156            text_command: string command as you would enter into "Direct Command" input of OPUS
157            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
159        Returns:
160            response: parsed response from OPUS software (typically boolean confirmation)'''
162        return self.query('SendCommand(0, {UNI=' + text_command + '})')

Used to send "Direct Commands" to the optics bench. Useful for manually moving motors, etc. from accessories and other low-level operations such as controlling the scanning mirror movement.


send_command('VAC=5') # vents the sample compartment send_command('VAC=4') # evacuates sample compartment

  • text_command: string command as you would enter into "Direct Command" input of OPUS
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response

response: parsed response from OPUS software (typically boolean confirmation)

def evacuate_sample(self):
164    def evacuate_sample(self):
165        '''Evacuates the sample compartment'''
166        return self.send_command('VAC=4')

Evacuates the sample compartment

def vent_sample(self):
168    def vent_sample(self):
169        '''Vents the sample compartment'''
170        return self.send_command('VAC=5')

Vents the sample compartment

def close_flaps(self):
172    def close_flaps(self):
173        '''Closes vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
174        return self.send_command('FLP=1')

Closes vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment

def open_flaps(self):
176    def open_flaps(self):
177        '''Opens vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment'''
178        return self.send_command('FLP=0')

Opens vacumm flaps between optics bench and sample compartment

def unload_file(self, filepath: str):
180    def unload_file(self, filepath: str):
181        '''Unloads a file from the OPUS software from its `filepath`
183        Args:
184            filepath: full path of the file to be unloaded in the software.
186        Returns:
187            response: `True` if successful.'''
188        return self.query('UNLOAD_FILE "' + filepath + '"')

Unloads a file from the OPUS software from its filepath

  • filepath: full path of the file to be unloaded in the software.

response: True if successful.

def unload_all(self):
190    def unload_all(self):
191        '''Unloads all files from OPUS software'''
192        return self.query('UnloadAll()')

Unloads all files from OPUS software

def measure_ref(self, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
194    def measure_ref(self, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
195        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
196        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
197        to customize the measurement.  example:
199            measure_ref(nrs=100, res=4) # measures reference with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
200                resolution to 4
202        Args:
203            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
204            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
206        Returns:
207            response: `True` if successful
208            '''
209        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
210        ok = self.query('MeasureReference(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
211        return ok

Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment. Also takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input to customize the measurement. example:

measure_ref(nrs=100, res=4) # measures reference with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
    resolution to 4
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
  • kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)

response: True if successful

def measure_sample(self, unload=False, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
213    def measure_sample(self, unload=False, timeout=1000000, **kwargs):
214        '''Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment.  Also
215        takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input
216        to customize the measurement.  example:
218            measure_sample(nss=100, res=4) # measures sample with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
219                resolution to 4
221        Args:
222            unload: whether to unload the file from OPUS after measurement is complete (to allow moving/renaming, etc.)
223            timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
224            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
226        Returns:
227            filepath: absolute filepath to measured sample file'''
228        params = self._param_str(**kwargs)
229        output = self.query('MeasureSample(0,' + params + ')', timeout=timeout)
230        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
231        if unload:
232            self.unload_file(filepath)
233        return filepath

Takes a reference measurement using the current settings from advanced experiment. Also takes option **kwargs input which use the OPUS 3-letter parameter keys and values as input to customize the measurement. example:

measure_sample(nss=100, res=4) # measures sample with current settings but overriding averages to 100 and
    resolution to 4
  • unload: whether to unload the file from OPUS after measurement is complete (to allow moving/renaming, etc.)
  • timeout: timeout in milliseconds to wait for response
  • kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)

filepath: absolute filepath to measured sample file

def check_signal(self, nss=1, **kwargs):
235    def check_signal(self, nss=1, **kwargs):
236        '''Performs a quick (typically 1 sample) measurement using the current FTIR settings. Current settings can be
237        overridden using **kwargs. After measurement is finished, the file is unloaded from OPUS and deleted. The
238        function returns an `OPUSFile` object before it deletes the quick measurement file.
240        Args:
241            nss: number of sample scans to average (default is 1, i.e. no averaging)
242            kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)
244        Returns:
245            opus_file: `OPUSFile` object generated by quick measurement'''
246        filepath = self.measure_sample(unload=True, nss=nss, **kwargs)
247        opus_file = read_opus(filepath)
248        os.remove(filepath)
249        return opus_file

Performs a quick (typically 1 sample) measurement using the current FTIR settings. Current settings can be overridden using **kwargs. After measurement is finished, the file is unloaded from OPUS and deleted. The function returns an OPUSFile object before it deletes the quick measurement file.

  • nss: number of sample scans to average (default is 1, i.e. no averaging)
  • kwargs: any valid three character parameter code (case insensitive)

opus_file: OPUSFile object generated by quick measurement

def save_ref(self):
251    def save_ref(self):
252        '''Saves current reference to file (according to current filename and path set in advanced experiment) and
253        returns the filename.
255        Returns:
256            filepath: absolute path to saved reference file'''
257        output = self.query('SaveReference()')
258        filepath = output[1][1:-3]
259        return filepath

Saves current reference to file (according to current filename and path set in advanced experiment) and returns the filename.


filepath: absolute path to saved reference file